Our evaluator for Lisp will be implemented as a Lisp program. It may seem circular to think about evaluating Lisp programs using an evaluator that is itself implemented in Lisp. However, evaluation is a process, so it is appropriate to describe the evaluation process using Lisp, which, after all, is our tool for describing processes.207 An evaluator that is written in the same language that it evaluates is said to be metacircular.
The metacircular evaluator is essentially a Scheme formulation of the environment model of evaluation described in 3.2. Recall that the model has two basic parts:
These two rules describe the essence of the evaluation process, a basic cycle
in which expressions to be evaluated in environments are reduced to procedures
to be applied to arguments, which in turn are reduced to new expressions to be
evaluated in new environments, and so on, until we get down to symbols, whose
values are looked up in the environment, and to primitive procedures, which are
applied directly (see Figure 4.1).208
This evaluation cycle will be embodied by the interplay between the two
critical procedures in the evaluator, eval
and apply
, which are
described in 4.1.1 (see Figure 4.1).
Figure 4.1: The eval
cycle exposes the essence of a computer language.
The implementation of the evaluator will depend upon procedures that define the
syntax of the expressions to be evaluated. We will use data
abstraction to make the evaluator independent of the representation of the
language. For example, rather than committing to a choice that an assignment
is to be represented by a list beginning with the symbol set!
we use an
abstract predicate assignment?
to test for an assignment, and we use
abstract selectors assignment-variable
and assignment-value
access the parts of an assignment. Implementation of expressions will be
described in detail in 4.1.2. There are also operations,
described in 4.1.3, that specify the representation of procedures
and environments. For example, make-procedure
constructs compound
procedures, lookup-variable-value
accesses the values of variables, and
applies a primitive procedure to a given list
of arguments.
The evaluation process can be described as the interplay between two
procedures: eval
and apply
takes as arguments an expression and an environment. It classifies
the expression and directs its evaluation. Eval
is structured as a case
analysis of the syntactic type of the expression to be evaluated. In order to
keep the procedure general, we express the determination of the type of an
expression abstractly, making no commitment to any particular representation
for the various types of expressions. Each type of expression has a predicate
that tests for it and an abstract means for selecting its parts. This
abstract syntax makes it easy to see how we can change the syntax of
the language by using the same evaluator, but with a different collection of
syntax procedures.
Primitive expressions
returns the
expression itself.
must look up variables in the environment to find their values.
Special forms
returns the expression that was quoted.
to compute the new value to be associated with the variable. The
environment must be modified to change (or create) the binding of the variable.
expression requires special processing of its parts, so as to
evaluate the consequent if the predicate is true, and otherwise to evaluate the
expression must be transformed into an applicable procedure by
packaging together the parameters and body specified by the lambda
expression with the environment of the evaluation.
expression requires evaluating its sequence of expressions in
the order in which they appear.
) is transformed into a nest of if
expressions and then evaluated.
must recursively evaluate the operator
part and the operands of the combination. The resulting procedure and
arguments are passed to apply
, which handles the actual procedure
Here is the definition of eval
(define (eval exp env) (cond ((self-evaluating? exp) exp) ((variable? exp) (lookup-variable-value exp env)) ((quoted? exp) (text-of-quotation exp)) ((assignment? exp) (eval-assignment exp env)) ((definition? exp) (eval-definition exp env)) ((if? exp) (eval-if exp env)) ((lambda? exp) (make-procedure (lambda-parameters exp) (lambda-body exp) env)) ((begin? exp) (eval-sequence (begin-actions exp) env)) ((cond? exp) (eval (cond->if exp) env)) ((application? exp) (apply (eval (operator exp) env) (list-of-values (operands exp) env))) (else (error "Unknown expression type: EVAL" exp))))
For clarity, eval
has been implemented as a case analysis using
. The disadvantage of this is that our procedure handles only a few
distinguishable types of expressions, and no new ones can be defined without
editing the definition of eval
. In most Lisp implementations,
dispatching on the type of an expression is done in a data-directed style.
This allows a user to add new types of expressions that eval
distinguish, without modifying the definition of eval
itself. (See
Exercise 4.3.)
takes two arguments, a procedure and a list of arguments to which
the procedure should be applied. Apply
classifies procedures into two
kinds: It calls apply-primitive-procedure
to apply primitives; it
applies compound procedures by sequentially evaluating the expressions that
make up the body of the procedure. The environment for the evaluation of the
body of a compound procedure is constructed by extending the base environment
carried by the procedure to include a frame that binds the parameters of the
procedure to the arguments to which the procedure is to be applied. Here is
the definition of apply
(define (apply procedure arguments) (cond ((primitive-procedure? procedure) (apply-primitive-procedure procedure arguments)) ((compound-procedure? procedure) (eval-sequence (procedure-body procedure) (extend-environment (procedure-parameters procedure) arguments (procedure-environment procedure)))) (else (error "Unknown procedure type: APPLY" procedure))))
When eval
processes a procedure application, it uses
to produce the list of arguments to which the procedure
is to be applied. List-of-values
takes as an argument the operands of
the combination. It evaluates each operand and returns a list of the
corresponding values:209
(define (list-of-values exps env) (if (no-operands? exps) '() (cons (eval (first-operand exps) env) (list-of-values (rest-operands exps) env))))
evaluates the predicate part of an if
expression in the
given environment. If the result is true, eval-if
evaluates the
consequent, otherwise it evaluates the alternative:
(define (eval-if exp env) (if (true? (eval (if-predicate exp) env)) (eval (if-consequent exp) env) (eval (if-alternative exp) env)))
The use of true?
in eval-if
highlights the issue of the
connection between an implemented language and an implementation language. The
is evaluated in the language being implemented and thus
yields a value in that language. The interpreter predicate true?
translates that value into a value that can be tested by the if
in the
implementation language: The metacircular representation of truth might not be
the same as that of the underlying Scheme.210
is used by apply
to evaluate the sequence of
expressions in a procedure body and by eval
to evaluate the sequence of
expressions in a begin
expression. It takes as arguments a sequence of
expressions and an environment, and evaluates the expressions in the order in
which they occur. The value returned is the value of the final expression.
(define (eval-sequence exps env) (cond ((last-exp? exps) (eval (first-exp exps) env)) (else (eval (first-exp exps) env) (eval-sequence (rest-exps exps) env))))
The following procedure handles assignments to variables. It calls eval
to find the value to be assigned and transmits the variable and the resulting
value to set-variable-value!
to be installed in the designated
(define (eval-assignment exp env) (set-variable-value! (assignment-variable exp) (eval (assignment-value exp) env) env) 'ok)
Definitions of variables are handled in a similar manner.211
(define (eval-definition exp env) (define-variable! (definition-variable exp) (eval (definition-value exp) env) env) 'ok)
We have chosen here to return the symbol ok
as the value of an
assignment or a definition.212
Exercise 4.1: Notice that we cannot tell whether the metacircular evaluator evaluates operands from left to right or from right to left. Its evaluation order is inherited from the underlying Lisp: If the arguments to
are evaluated from left to right, thenlist-of-values
will evaluate operands from left to right; and if the arguments tocons
are evaluated from right to left, thenlist-of-values
will evaluate operands from right to left.Write a version of
that evaluates operands from left to right regardless of the order of evaluation in the underlying Lisp. Also write a version oflist-of-values
that evaluates operands from right to left.
The evaluator is reminiscent of the symbolic differentiation program discussed in 2.3.2. Both programs operate on symbolic expressions. In both programs, the result of operating on a compound expression is determined by operating recursively on the pieces of the expression and combining the results in a way that depends on the type of the expression. In both programs we used data abstraction to decouple the general rules of operation from the details of how expressions are represented. In the differentiation program this meant that the same differentiation procedure could deal with algebraic expressions in prefix form, in infix form, or in some other form. For the evaluator, this means that the syntax of the language being evaluated is determined solely by the procedures that classify and extract pieces of expressions.
Here is the specification of the syntax of our language:
(define (self-evaluating? exp) (cond ((number? exp) true) ((string? exp) true) (else false)))
(define (variable? exp) (symbol? exp))
(quote ⟨text-of-quotation⟩)
(define (quoted? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'quote)) (define (text-of-quotation exp) (cadr exp))
is defined in terms of the procedure tagged-list?
, which
identifies lists beginning with a designated symbol:
(define (tagged-list? exp tag) (if (pair? exp) (eq? (car exp) tag) false))
(set! ⟨var⟩ ⟨value⟩)
(define (assignment? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'set!)) (define (assignment-variable exp) (cadr exp)) (define (assignment-value exp) (caddr exp))
(define ⟨var⟩ ⟨value⟩)
or the form
(define (⟨var⟩ ⟨param₁⟩ … ⟨paramₙ⟩) ⟨body⟩)
The latter form (standard procedure definition) is syntactic sugar for
(define ⟨var⟩ (lambda (⟨param₁⟩ … ⟨paramₙ⟩) ⟨body⟩))
The corresponding syntax procedures are the following:
(define (definition? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'define)) (define (definition-variable exp) (if (symbol? (cadr exp)) (cadr exp) (caadr exp))) (define (definition-value exp) (if (symbol? (cadr exp)) (caddr exp) (make-lambda (cdadr exp) ; formal parameters (cddr exp)))) ; body
expressions are lists that begin with the symbol lambda
(define (lambda? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'lambda)) (define (lambda-parameters exp) (cadr exp)) (define (lambda-body exp) (cddr exp))
We also provide a constructor for lambda
expressions, which is used by
, above:
(define (make-lambda parameters body) (cons 'lambda (cons parameters body)))
and have a predicate, a consequent, and an
(optional) alternative. If the expression has no alternative part, we provide
as the alternative.214
(define (if? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'if)) (define (if-predicate exp) (cadr exp)) (define (if-consequent exp) (caddr exp)) (define (if-alternative exp) (if (not (null? (cdddr exp))) (cadddr exp) 'false))
We also provide a constructor for if
expressions, to be used by
to transform cond
expressions into if
(define (make-if predicate consequent alternative) (list 'if predicate consequent alternative))
packages a sequence of expressions into a single expression. We
include syntax operations on begin
expressions to extract the actual
sequence from the begin
expression, as well as selectors that return the
first expression and the rest of the expressions in the
(define (begin? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'begin)) (define (begin-actions exp) (cdr exp)) (define (last-exp? seq) (null? (cdr seq))) (define (first-exp seq) (car seq)) (define (rest-exps seq) (cdr seq))
We also include a constructor sequence->exp
(for use by cond->if
that transforms a sequence into a single expression, using begin
(define (sequence->exp seq) (cond ((null? seq) seq) ((last-exp? seq) (first-exp seq)) (else (make-begin seq)))) (define (make-begin seq) (cons 'begin seq))
of the expression is the operator, and the
is the list of operands:
(define (application? exp) (pair? exp)) (define (operator exp) (car exp)) (define (operands exp) (cdr exp)) (define (no-operands? ops) (null? ops)) (define (first-operand ops) (car ops)) (define (rest-operands ops) (cdr ops))
Some special forms in our language can be defined in terms of expressions
involving other special forms, rather than being implemented directly. One
example is cond
, which can be implemented as a nest of if
expressions. For example, we can reduce the problem of evaluating the
(cond ((> x 0) x) ((= x 0) (display 'zero) 0) (else (- x)))
to the problem of evaluating the following expression involving if
(if (> x 0) x (if (= x 0) (begin (display 'zero) 0) (- x)))
Implementing the evaluation of cond
in this way simplifies the evaluator
because it reduces the number of special forms for which the evaluation process
must be explicitly specified.
We include syntax procedures that extract the parts of a cond
expression, and a procedure cond->if
that transforms cond
expressions into if
expressions. A case analysis begins with
and has a list of predicate-action clauses. A clause is an
clause if its predicate is the symbol else
(define (cond? exp)
(tagged-list? exp 'cond))
(define (cond-clauses exp) (cdr exp))
(define (cond-else-clause? clause)
(eq? (cond-predicate clause) 'else))
(define (cond-predicate clause)
(car clause))
(define (cond-actions clause)
(cdr clause))
(define (cond->if exp)
(expand-clauses (cond-clauses exp)))
(define (expand-clauses clauses)
(if (null? clauses)
'false ; no else
(let ((first (car clauses))
(rest (cdr clauses)))
(if (cond-else-clause? first)
(if (null? rest)
(cond-actions first))
(error "ELSE clause isn't
last: COND->IF"
(make-if (cond-predicate first)
(cond-actions first))
Expressions (such as cond
) that we choose to implement as syntactic
transformations are called
derived expressions. Let
expressions are also derived expressions (see
Exercise 4.6).217
Exercise 4.2: Louis Reasoner plans to reorder the
clauses ineval
so that the clause for procedure applications appears before the clause for assignments. He argues that this will make the interpreter more efficient: Since programs usually contain more applications than assignments, definitions, and so on, his modifiedeval
will usually check fewer clauses than the originaleval
before identifying the type of an expression.
- What is wrong with Louis’s plan? (Hint: What will Louis’s evaluator do with the expression
(define x 3)
?)- Louis is upset that his plan didn’t work. He is willing to go to any lengths to make his evaluator recognize procedure applications before it checks for most other kinds of expressions. Help him by changing the syntax of the evaluated language so that procedure applications start with
. For example, instead of(factorial 3)
we will now have to write(call factorial 3)
and instead of(+ 1 2)
we will have to write(call + 1 2)
Exercise 4.3: Rewrite
so that the dispatch is done in data-directed style. Compare this with the data-directed differentiation procedure of Exercise 2.73. (You may use thecar
of a compound expression as the type of the expression, as is appropriate for the syntax implemented in this section.)
Exercise 4.4: Recall the definitions of the special forms
from Chapter 1:
: The expressions are evaluated from left to right. If any expression evaluates to false, false is returned; any remaining expressions are not evaluated. If all the expressions evaluate to true values, the value of the last expression is returned. If there are no expressions then true is returned.or
: The expressions are evaluated from left to right. If any expression evaluates to a true value, that value is returned; any remaining expressions are not evaluated. If all expressions evaluate to false, or if there are no expressions, then false is returned.Install
as new special forms for the evaluator by defining appropriate syntax procedures and evaluation procedureseval-and
. Alternatively, show how to implementand
as derived expressions.
Exercise 4.5: Scheme allows an additional syntax for
clauses,(⟨test⟩ => ⟨recipient⟩)
. If⟨
evaluates to a true value, then⟨
is evaluated. Its value must be a procedure of one argument; this procedure is then invoked on the value of the⟨
, and the result is returned as the value of thecond
expression. For example(cond ((assoc 'b '((a 1) (b 2))) => cadr) (else false))returns 2. Modify the handling of
so that it supports this extended syntax.
Exercise 4.6:
expressions are derived expressions, because(let ((⟨var₁⟩ ⟨exp₁⟩) … (⟨varₙ⟩ ⟨expₙ⟩)) ⟨body⟩)is equivalent to
((lambda (⟨var₁⟩ … ⟨varₙ⟩) ⟨body⟩) ⟨exp₁⟩ … ⟨expₙ⟩)Implement a syntactic transformation
that reduces evaluatinglet
expressions to evaluating combinations of the type shown above, and add the appropriate clause toeval
to handlelet
Exercise 4.7:
is similar tolet
, except that the bindings of thelet*
variables are performed sequentially from left to right, and each binding is made in an environment in which all of the preceding bindings are visible. For example(let* ((x 3) (y (+ x 2)) (z (+ x y 5))) (* x z))returns 39. Explain how a
expression can be rewritten as a set of nestedlet
expressions, and write a procedurelet*->nested-lets
that performs this transformation. If we have already implementedlet
(Exercise 4.6) and we want to extend the evaluator to handlelet*
, is it sufficient to add a clause toeval
whose action is(eval (let*->nested-lets exp) env)or must we explicitly expand
in terms of non-derived expressions?
Exercise 4.8: “Named
” is a variant oflet
that has the form(let ⟨var⟩ ⟨bindings⟩ ⟨body⟩)The
are just as in ordinarylet
, except that⟨
is bound within⟨
to a procedure whose body is⟨
and whose parameters are the variables in the⟨
. Thus, one can repeatedly execute the⟨
by invoking the procedure named⟨
. For example, the iterative Fibonacci procedure (1.2.2) can be rewritten using namedlet
as follows:(define (fib n) (let fib-iter ((a 1) (b 0) (count n)) (if (= count 0) b (fib-iter (+ a b) a (- count 1)))))Modify
of Exercise 4.6 to also support namedlet
Exercise 4.9: Many languages support a variety of iteration constructs, such as
, anduntil
. In Scheme, iterative processes can be expressed in terms of ordinary procedure calls, so special iteration constructs provide no essential gain in computational power. On the other hand, such constructs are often convenient. Design some iteration constructs, give examples of their use, and show how to implement them as derived expressions.
Exercise 4.10: By using data abstraction, we were able to write an
procedure that is independent of the particular syntax of the language to be evaluated. To illustrate this, design and implement a new syntax for Scheme by modifying the procedures in this section, without changingeval
In addition to defining the external syntax of expressions, the evaluator implementation must also define the data structures that the evaluator manipulates internally, as part of the execution of a program, such as the representation of procedures and environments and the representation of true and false.
For conditionals, we accept anything to be true that is not the explicit
(define (true? x) (not (eq? x false))) (define (false? x) (eq? x false))
To handle primitives, we assume that we have available the following procedures:
(apply-primitive-procedure ⟨proc⟩ ⟨args⟩)
applies the given primitive procedure to the argument values in the list
and returns the result of the application.
(primitive-procedure? ⟨proc⟩)
tests whether ⟨
is a primitive procedure.
These mechanisms for handling primitives are further described in 4.1.4.
Compound procedures are constructed from parameters, procedure bodies, and
environments using the constructor make-procedure
(define (make-procedure parameters body env) (list 'procedure parameters body env)) (define (compound-procedure? p) (tagged-list? p 'procedure)) (define (procedure-parameters p) (cadr p)) (define (procedure-body p) (caddr p)) (define (procedure-environment p) (cadddr p))
The evaluator needs operations for manipulating environments. As explained in 3.2, an environment is a sequence of frames, where each frame is a table of bindings that associate variables with their corresponding values. We use the following operations for manipulating environments:
(lookup-variable-value ⟨var⟩ ⟨env⟩)
returns the value that is bound to the symbol ⟨
in the environment
, or signals an error if the variable is unbound.
(extend-environment ⟨variables⟩ ⟨values⟩ ⟨base-env⟩)
returns a new environment, consisting of a new frame in which the symbols in
the list ⟨
are bound to the corresponding elements in the list
, where the enclosing environment is the environment
(define-variable! ⟨var⟩ ⟨value⟩ ⟨env⟩)
adds to the first frame in the environment ⟨
a new binding that
associates the variable ⟨
with the value ⟨
(set-variable-value! ⟨var⟩ ⟨value⟩ ⟨env⟩)
changes the binding of the variable ⟨
in the environment ⟨
so that the variable is now bound to the value ⟨
, or signals an
error if the variable is unbound.
To implement these operations we represent an environment as a list of frames.
The enclosing environment of an environment is the cdr
of the list. The
empty environment is simply the empty list.
(define (enclosing-environment env) (cdr env)) (define (first-frame env) (car env)) (define the-empty-environment '())
Each frame of an environment is represented as a pair of lists: a list of the variables bound in that frame and a list of the associated values.218
(define (make-frame variables values) (cons variables values)) (define (frame-variables frame) (car frame)) (define (frame-values frame) (cdr frame)) (define (add-binding-to-frame! var val frame) (set-car! frame (cons var (car frame))) (set-cdr! frame (cons val (cdr frame))))
To extend an environment by a new frame that associates variables with values, we make a frame consisting of the list of variables and the list of values, and we adjoin this to the environment. We signal an error if the number of variables does not match the number of values.
(define (extend-environment vars vals base-env) (if (= (length vars) (length vals)) (cons (make-frame vars vals) base-env) (if (< (length vars) (length vals)) (error "Too many arguments supplied" vars vals) (error "Too few arguments supplied" vars vals))))
To look up a variable in an environment, we scan the list of variables in the first frame. If we find the desired variable, we return the corresponding element in the list of values. If we do not find the variable in the current frame, we search the enclosing environment, and so on. If we reach the empty environment, we signal an “unbound variable” error.
(define (lookup-variable-value var env) (define (env-loop env) (define (scan vars vals) (cond ((null? vars) (env-loop (enclosing-environment env))) ((eq? var (car vars)) (car vals)) (else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals))))) (if (eq? env the-empty-environment) (error "Unbound variable" var) (let ((frame (first-frame env))) (scan (frame-variables frame) (frame-values frame))))) (env-loop env))
To set a variable to a new value in a specified environment, we scan for the
variable, just as in lookup-variable-value
, and change the corresponding
value when we find it.
(define (set-variable-value! var val env) (define (env-loop env) (define (scan vars vals) (cond ((null? vars) (env-loop (enclosing-environment env))) ((eq? var (car vars)) (set-car! vals val)) (else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals))))) (if (eq? env the-empty-environment) (error "Unbound variable: SET!" var) (let ((frame (first-frame env))) (scan (frame-variables frame) (frame-values frame))))) (env-loop env))
To define a variable, we search the first frame for a binding for the variable,
and change the binding if it exists (just as in set-variable-value!
If no such binding exists, we adjoin one to the first frame.
(define (define-variable! var val env) (let ((frame (first-frame env))) (define (scan vars vals) (cond ((null? vars) (add-binding-to-frame! var val frame)) ((eq? var (car vars)) (set-car! vals val)) (else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals))))) (scan (frame-variables frame) (frame-values frame))))
The method described here is only one of many plausible ways to represent environments. Since we used data abstraction to isolate the rest of the evaluator from the detailed choice of representation, we could change the environment representation if we wanted to. (See Exercise 4.11.) In a production-quality Lisp system, the speed of the evaluator’s environment operations—especially that of variable lookup—has a major impact on the performance of the system. The representation described here, although conceptually simple, is not efficient and would not ordinarily be used in a production system.219
Exercise 4.11: Instead of representing a frame as a pair of lists, we can represent a frame as a list of bindings, where each binding is a name-value pair. Rewrite the environment operations to use this alternative representation.
Exercise 4.12: The procedures
can be expressed in terms of more abstract procedures for traversing the environment structure. Define abstractions that capture the common patterns and redefine the three procedures in terms of these abstractions.
Exercise 4.13: Scheme allows us to create new bindings for variables by means of
, but provides no way to get rid of bindings. Implement for the evaluator a special formmake-unbound!
that removes the binding of a given symbol from the environment in which themake-unbound!
expression is evaluated. This problem is not completely specified. For example, should we remove only the binding in the first frame of the environment? Complete the specification and justify any choices you make.
Given the evaluator, we have in our hands a description (expressed in Lisp) of the process by which Lisp expressions are evaluated. One advantage of expressing the evaluator as a program is that we can run the program. This gives us, running within Lisp, a working model of how Lisp itself evaluates expressions. This can serve as a framework for experimenting with evaluation rules, as we shall do later in this chapter.
Our evaluator program reduces expressions ultimately to the application of primitive procedures. Therefore, all that we need to run the evaluator is to create a mechanism that calls on the underlying Lisp system to model the application of primitive procedures.
There must be a binding for each primitive procedure name, so that when
evaluates the operator of an application of a primitive, it will
find an object to pass to apply
. We thus set up a global environment
that associates unique objects with the names of the primitive procedures that
can appear in the expressions we will be evaluating. The global environment
also includes bindings for the symbols true
and false
, so that
they can be used as variables in expressions to be evaluated.
(define (setup-environment) (let ((initial-env (extend-environment (primitive-procedure-names) (primitive-procedure-objects) the-empty-environment))) (define-variable! 'true true initial-env) (define-variable! 'false false initial-env) initial-env)) (define the-global-environment (setup-environment))
It does not matter how we represent the primitive procedure objects, so long as
can identify and apply them by using the procedures
and apply-primitive-procedure
. We have
chosen to represent a primitive procedure as a list beginning with the symbol
and containing a procedure in the underlying Lisp that
implements that primitive.
(define (primitive-procedure? proc) (tagged-list? proc 'primitive)) (define (primitive-implementation proc) (cadr proc))
will get the primitive names and implementation
procedures from a list:220
(define primitive-procedures (list (list 'car car) (list 'cdr cdr) (list 'cons cons) (list 'null? null?) ⟨more primitives⟩ )) (define (primitive-procedure-names) (map car primitive-procedures)) (define (primitive-procedure-objects) (map (lambda (proc) (list 'primitive (cadr proc))) primitive-procedures))
To apply a primitive procedure, we simply apply the implementation procedure to the arguments, using the underlying Lisp system:221
(define (apply-primitive-procedure proc args) (apply-in-underlying-scheme (primitive-implementation proc) args))
For convenience in running the metacircular evaluator, we provide a driver loop that models the read-eval-print loop of the underlying Lisp system. It prints a prompt, reads an input expression, evaluates this expression in the global environment, and prints the result. We precede each printed result by an output prompt so as to distinguish the value of the expression from other output that may be printed.222
(define input-prompt ";;; M-Eval input:") (define output-prompt ";;; M-Eval value:") (define (driver-loop) (prompt-for-input input-prompt) (let ((input (read))) (let ((output (eval input the-global-environment))) (announce-output output-prompt) (user-print output))) (driver-loop)) (define (prompt-for-input string) (newline) (newline) (display string) (newline)) (define (announce-output string) (newline) (display string) (newline))
We use a special printing procedure, user-print
, to avoid printing the
environment part of a compound procedure, which may be a very long list (or may
even contain cycles).
(define (user-print object) (if (compound-procedure? object) (display (list 'compound-procedure (procedure-parameters object) (procedure-body object) '<procedure-env>)) (display object)))
Now all we need to do to run the evaluator is to initialize the global environment and start the driver loop. Here is a sample interaction:
(define the-global-environment (setup-environment)) (driver-loop) ;;; M-Eval input: (define (append x y) (if (null? x) y (cons (car x) (append (cdr x) y)))) ;;; M-Eval value: ok ;;; M-Eval input: (append '(a b c) '(d e f)) ;;; M-Eval value: (a b c d e f)
Exercise 4.14: Eva Lu Ator and Louis Reasoner are each experimenting with the metacircular evaluator. Eva types in the definition of
, and runs some test programs that use it. They work fine. Louis, in contrast, has installed the system version ofmap
as a primitive for the metacircular evaluator. When he tries it, things go terribly wrong. Explain why Louis’smap
fails even though Eva’s works.
In thinking about a Lisp program that evaluates Lisp expressions, an analogy might be helpful. One operational view of the meaning of a program is that a program is a description of an abstract (perhaps infinitely large) machine. For example, consider the familiar program to compute factorials:
(define (factorial n) (if (= n 1) 1 (* (factorial (- n 1)) n)))
We may regard this program as the description of a machine containing parts that decrement, multiply, and test for equality, together with a two-position switch and another factorial machine. (The factorial machine is infinite because it contains another factorial machine within it.) Figure 4.2 is a flow diagram for the factorial machine, showing how the parts are wired together.
Figure 4.2: The factorial program, viewed as an abstract machine.
In a similar way, we can regard the evaluator as a very special machine that
takes as input a description of a machine. Given this input, the evaluator
configures itself to emulate the machine described. For example, if we feed
our evaluator the definition of factorial
, as shown in Figure 4.3,
the evaluator will be able to compute factorials.
Figure 4.3: The evaluator emulating a factorial machine.
From this perspective, our evaluator is seen to be a universal machine. It mimics other machines when these are described as Lisp programs.223 This is striking. Try to imagine an analogous evaluator for electrical circuits. This would be a circuit that takes as input a signal encoding the plans for some other circuit, such as a filter. Given this input, the circuit evaluator would then behave like a filter with the same description. Such a universal electrical circuit is almost unimaginably complex. It is remarkable that the program evaluator is a rather simple program.224
Another striking aspect of the evaluator is that it acts as a bridge between
the data objects that are manipulated by our programming language and the
programming language itself. Imagine that the evaluator program (implemented
in Lisp) is running, and that a user is typing expressions to the evaluator and
observing the results. From the perspective of the user, an input expression
such as (* x x)
is an expression in the programming language, which the
evaluator should execute. From the perspective of the evaluator, however, the
expression is simply a list (in this case, a list of three symbols: *
, and x
) that is to be manipulated according to a well-defined
set of rules.
That the user’s programs are the evaluator’s data need not be a source of
confusion. In fact, it is sometimes convenient to ignore this distinction, and
to give the user the ability to explicitly evaluate a data object as a Lisp
expression, by making eval
available for use in programs. Many Lisp
dialects provide a primitive eval
procedure that takes as arguments an
expression and an environment and evaluates the expression relative to the
environment.225 Thus,
(eval '(* 5 5) user-initial-environment)
(eval (cons '* (list 5 5)) user-initial-environment)
will both return 25.226
Exercise 4.15: Given a one-argument procedure
and an objecta
is said to “halt” ona
if evaluating the expression(p a)
returns a value (as opposed to terminating with an error message or running forever). Show that it is impossible to write a procedurehalts?
that correctly determines whetherp
halts ona
for any procedurep
and objecta
. Use the following reasoning: If you had such a procedurehalts?
, you could implement the following program:(define (run-forever) (run-forever)) (define (try p) (if (halts? p p) (run-forever) 'halted))Now consider evaluating the expression
(try try)
and show that any possible outcome (either halting or running forever) violates the intended behavior ofhalts?
Our environment model of evaluation and our metacircular evaluator execute definitions in sequence, extending the environment frame one definition at a time. This is particularly convenient for interactive program development, in which the programmer needs to freely mix the application of procedures with the definition of new procedures. However, if we think carefully about the internal definitions used to implement block structure (introduced in 1.1.8), we will find that name-by-name extension of the environment may not be the best way to define local variables.
Consider a procedure with internal definitions, such as
(define (f x)
(define (even? n)
(if (= n 0)
(odd? (- n 1))))
(define (odd? n)
(if (= n 0)
(even? (- n 1))))
⟨rest of body of f
Our intention here is that the name odd?
in the body of the procedure
should refer to the procedure odd?
that is defined after
. The scope of the name odd?
is the entire body of
, not just the portion of the body of f
starting at the point
where the define
for odd?
occurs. Indeed, when we consider that
is itself defined in terms of even?
—so that even?
and odd?
are mutually recursive procedures—we see that the only
satisfactory interpretation of the two define
s is to regard them as if
the names even?
and odd?
were being added to the environment
simultaneously. More generally, in block structure, the scope of a local name
is the entire procedure body in which the define
is evaluated.
As it happens, our interpreter will evaluate calls to f
correctly, but
for an “accidental” reason: Since the definitions of the internal procedures
come first, no calls to these procedures will be evaluated until all of them
have been defined. Hence, odd?
will have been defined by the time
is executed. In fact, our sequential evaluation mechanism will
give the same result as a mechanism that directly implements simultaneous
definition for any procedure in which the internal definitions come first in a
body and evaluation of the value expressions for the defined variables doesn’t
actually use any of the defined variables. (For an example of a procedure that
doesn’t obey these restrictions, so that sequential definition isn’t equivalent
to simultaneous definition, see Exercise 4.19.)228
There is, however, a simple way to treat definitions so that internally defined
names have truly simultaneous scope—just create all local variables that will
be in the current environment before evaluating any of the value expressions.
One way to do this is by a syntax transformation on lambda
Before evaluating the body of a lambda
expression, we “scan out” and
eliminate all the internal definitions in the body. The internally defined
variables will be created with a let
and then set to their values by
assignment. For example, the procedure
(lambda ⟨vars⟩ (define u ⟨e1⟩) (define v ⟨e2⟩) ⟨e3⟩)
would be transformed into
(lambda ⟨vars⟩ (let ((u '*unassigned*) (v '*unassigned*)) (set! u ⟨e1⟩) (set! v ⟨e2⟩) ⟨e3⟩))
where *unassigned*
is a special symbol that causes looking up a variable
to signal an error if an attempt is made to use the value of the
not-yet-assigned variable.
An alternative strategy for scanning out internal definitions is shown in Exercise 4.18. Unlike the transformation shown above, this enforces the restriction that the defined variables’ values can be evaluated without using any of the variables’ values.229
Exercise 4.16: In this exercise we implement the method just described for interpreting internal definitions. We assume that the evaluator supports
(see Exercise 4.6).
- Change
(4.1.3) to signal an error if the value it finds is the symbol*unassigned*
.- Write a procedure
that takes a procedure body and returns an equivalent one that has no internal definitions, by making the transformation described above.- Install
in the interpreter, either inmake-procedure
or inprocedure-body
(see 4.1.3). Which place is better? Why?
Exercise 4.17: Draw diagrams of the environment in effect when evaluating the expression
in the procedure in the text, comparing how this will be structured when definitions are interpreted sequentially with how it will be structured if definitions are scanned out as described. Why is there an extra frame in the transformed program? Explain why this difference in environment structure can never make a difference in the behavior of a correct program. Design a way to make the interpreter implement the “simultaneous” scope rule for internal definitions without constructing the extra frame.
Exercise 4.18: Consider an alternative strategy for scanning out definitions that translates the example in the text to
(lambda ⟨vars⟩ (let ((u '*unassigned*) (v '*unassigned*)) (let ((a ⟨e1⟩) (b ⟨e2⟩)) (set! u a) (set! v b)) ⟨e3⟩))Here
are meant to represent new variable names, created by the interpreter, that do not appear in the user’s program. Consider thesolve
procedure from 3.5.4:(define (solve f y0 dt) (define y (integral (delay dy) y0 dt)) (define dy (stream-map f y)) y)Will this procedure work if internal definitions are scanned out as shown in this exercise? What if they are scanned out as shown in the text? Explain.
Exercise 4.19: Ben Bitdiddle, Alyssa P. Hacker, and Eva Lu Ator are arguing about the desired result of evaluating the expression
(let ((a 1)) (define (f x) (define b (+ a x)) (define a 5) (+ a b)) (f 10))Ben asserts that the result should be obtained using the sequential rule for
is defined to be 11, thena
is defined to be 5, so the result is 16. Alyssa objects that mutual recursion requires the simultaneous scope rule for internal procedure definitions, and that it is unreasonable to treat procedure names differently from other names. Thus, she argues for the mechanism implemented in Exercise 4.16. This would lead toa
being unassigned at the time that the value forb
is to be computed. Hence, in Alyssa’s view the procedure should produce an error. Eva has a third opinion. She says that if the definitions ofa
are truly meant to be simultaneous, then the value 5 fora
should be used in evaluatingb
. Hence, in Eva’s viewa
should be 5,b
should be 15, and the result should be 20. Which (if any) of these viewpoints do you support? Can you devise a way to implement internal definitions so that they behave as Eva prefers?230
Exercise 4.20: Because internal definitions look sequential but are actually simultaneous, some people prefer to avoid them entirely, and use the special form
looks likelet
, so it is not surprising that the variables it binds are bound simultaneously and have the same scope as each other. The sample proceduref
above can be written without internal definitions, but with exactly the same meaning, as(define (f x) (letrec ((even? (lambda (n) (if (= n 0) true (odd? (- n 1))))) (odd? (lambda (n) (if (= n 0) false (even? (- n 1)))))) ⟨rest of body off
expressions, which have the form(letrec ((⟨var₁⟩ ⟨exp₁⟩) … (⟨varₙ⟩ ⟨expₙ⟩)) ⟨body⟩)are a variation on
in which the expressions that provide the initial values for the variables are evaluated in an environment that includes all theletrec
bindings. This permits recursion in the bindings, such as the mutual recursion ofeven?
in the example above, or the evaluation of 10 factorial with(letrec ((fact (lambda (n) (if (= n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))))) (fact 10))
- Implement
as a derived expression, by transforming aletrec
expression into alet
expression as shown in the text above or in Exercise 4.18. That is, theletrec
variables should be created with alet
and then be assigned their values withset!
.- Louis Reasoner is confused by all this fuss about internal definitions. The way he sees it, if you don’t like to use
inside a procedure, you can just uselet
. Illustrate what is loose about his reasoning by drawing an environment diagram that shows the environment in which the⟨
rest of body off
is evaluated during evaluation of the expression(f 5)
, withf
defined as in this exercise. Draw an environment diagram for the same evaluation, but withlet
in place ofletrec
in the definition off
Exercise 4.21: Amazingly, Louis’s intuition in Exercise 4.20 is correct. It is indeed possible to specify recursive procedures without using
(or evendefine
), although the method for accomplishing this is much more subtle than Louis imagined. The following expression computes 10 factorial by applying a recursive factorial procedure:231((lambda (n) ((lambda (fact) (fact fact n)) (lambda (ft k) (if (= k 1) 1 (* k (ft ft (- k 1))))))) 10)
- Check (by evaluating the expression) that this really does compute factorials. Devise an analogous expression for computing Fibonacci numbers.
- Consider the following procedure, which includes mutually recursive internal definitions:
(define (f x) (define (even? n) (if (= n 0) true (odd? (- n 1)))) (define (odd? n) (if (= n 0) false (even? (- n 1)))) (even? x))Fill in the missing expressions to complete an alternative definition of
, which uses neither internal definitions norletrec
:(define (f x) ((lambda (even? odd?) (even? even? odd? x)) (lambda (ev? od? n) (if (= n 0) true (od? ⟨??⟩ ⟨??⟩ ⟨??⟩))) (lambda (ev? od? n) (if (= n 0) false (ev? ⟨??⟩ ⟨??⟩ ⟨??⟩)))))
The evaluator implemented above is simple, but it is very inefficient, because
the syntactic analysis of expressions is interleaved with their execution.
Thus if a program is executed many times, its syntax is analyzed many times.
Consider, for example, evaluating (factorial 4)
using the following
definition of factorial
(define (factorial n) (if (= n 1) 1 (* (factorial (- n 1)) n)))
Each time factorial
is called, the evaluator must determine that the
body is an if
expression and extract the predicate. Only then can it
evaluate the predicate and dispatch on its value. Each time it evaluates the
expression (* (factorial (- n 1)) n)
, or the subexpressions
(factorial (- n 1))
and (- n 1)
, the evaluator must perform the
case analysis in eval
to determine that the expression is an
application, and must extract its operator and operands. This analysis is
expensive. Performing it repeatedly is wasteful.
We can transform the evaluator to be significantly more efficient by arranging
things so that syntactic analysis is performed only once.232 We split eval
, which takes an expression and an
environment, into two parts. The procedure analyze
takes only the
expression. It performs the syntactic analysis and returns a new procedure,
execution procedure, that encapsulates the work to be done in
executing the analyzed expression. The execution procedure takes an
environment as its argument and completes the evaluation. This saves work
because analyze
will be called only once on an expression, while the
execution procedure may be called many times.
With the separation into analysis and execution, eval
now becomes
(define (eval exp env) ((analyze exp) env))
The result of calling analyze
is the execution procedure to be applied
to the environment. The analyze
procedure is the same case analysis as
performed by the original eval
of 4.1.1, except that the
procedures to which we dispatch perform only analysis, not full evaluation:
(define (analyze exp) (cond ((self-evaluating? exp) (analyze-self-evaluating exp)) ((quoted? exp) (analyze-quoted exp)) ((variable? exp) (analyze-variable exp)) ((assignment? exp) (analyze-assignment exp)) ((definition? exp) (analyze-definition exp)) ((if? exp) (analyze-if exp)) ((lambda? exp) (analyze-lambda exp)) ((begin? exp) (analyze-sequence (begin-actions exp))) ((cond? exp) (analyze (cond->if exp))) ((application? exp) (analyze-application exp)) (else (error "Unknown expression type: ANALYZE" exp))))
Here is the simplest syntactic analysis procedure, which handles self-evaluating expressions. It returns an execution procedure that ignores its environment argument and just returns the expression:
(define (analyze-self-evaluating exp) (lambda (env) exp))
For a quoted expression, we can gain a little efficiency by extracting the text of the quotation only once, in the analysis phase, rather than in the execution phase.
(define (analyze-quoted exp) (let ((qval (text-of-quotation exp))) (lambda (env) qval)))
Looking up a variable value must still be done in the execution phase, since this depends upon knowing the environment.233
(define (analyze-variable exp) (lambda (env) (lookup-variable-value exp env)))
also must defer actually setting the variable until
the execution, when the environment has been supplied. However, the fact that
the assignment-value
expression can be analyzed (recursively) during
analysis is a major gain in efficiency, because the assignment-value
expression will now be analyzed only once. The same holds true for
(define (analyze-assignment exp) (let ((var (assignment-variable exp)) (vproc (analyze (assignment-value exp)))) (lambda (env) (set-variable-value! var (vproc env) env) 'ok))) (define (analyze-definition exp) (let ((var (definition-variable exp)) (vproc (analyze (definition-value exp)))) (lambda (env) (define-variable! var (vproc env) env) 'ok)))
For if
expressions, we extract and analyze the predicate, consequent,
and alternative at analysis time.
(define (analyze-if exp) (let ((pproc (analyze (if-predicate exp))) (cproc (analyze (if-consequent exp))) (aproc (analyze (if-alternative exp)))) (lambda (env) (if (true? (pproc env)) (cproc env) (aproc env)))))
Analyzing a lambda
expression also achieves a major gain in efficiency:
We analyze the lambda
body only once, even though procedures resulting
from evaluation of the lambda
may be applied many times.
(define (analyze-lambda exp) (let ((vars (lambda-parameters exp)) (bproc (analyze-sequence (lambda-body exp)))) (lambda (env) (make-procedure vars bproc env))))
Analysis of a sequence of expressions (as in a begin
or the body of a
expression) is more involved.234 Each expression in the
sequence is analyzed, yielding an execution procedure. These execution
procedures are combined to produce an execution procedure that takes an
environment as argument and sequentially calls each individual execution
procedure with the environment as argument.
(define (analyze-sequence exps) (define (sequentially proc1 proc2) (lambda (env) (proc1 env) (proc2 env))) (define (loop first-proc rest-procs) (if (null? rest-procs) first-proc (loop (sequentially first-proc (car rest-procs)) (cdr rest-procs)))) (let ((procs (map analyze exps))) (if (null? procs) (error "Empty sequence: ANALYZE")) (loop (car procs) (cdr procs))))
To analyze an application, we analyze the operator and operands and construct
an execution procedure that calls the operator execution procedure (to obtain
the actual procedure to be applied) and the operand execution procedures (to
obtain the actual arguments). We then pass these to
, which is the analog of apply
4.1.1. Execute-application
differs from apply
in that the
procedure body for a compound procedure has already been analyzed, so there is
no need to do further analysis. Instead, we just call the execution procedure
for the body on the extended environment.
(define (analyze-application exp) (let ((fproc (analyze (operator exp))) (aprocs (map analyze (operands exp)))) (lambda (env) (execute-application (fproc env) (map (lambda (aproc) (aproc env)) aprocs))))) (define (execute-application proc args) (cond ((primitive-procedure? proc) (apply-primitive-procedure proc args)) ((compound-procedure? proc) ((procedure-body proc) (extend-environment (procedure-parameters proc) args (procedure-environment proc)))) (else (error "Unknown procedure type: EXECUTE-APPLICATION" proc))))
Our new evaluator uses the same data structures, syntax procedures, and run-time support procedures as in 4.1.2, 4.1.3, and 4.1.4.
Exercise 4.22: Extend the evaluator in this section to support the special form
. (See Exercise 4.6.)
Exercise 4.23: Alyssa P. Hacker doesn’t understand why
needs to be so complicated. All the other analysis procedures are straightforward transformations of the corresponding evaluation procedures (oreval
clauses) in 4.1.1. She expectedanalyze-sequence
to look like this:(define (analyze-sequence exps) (define (execute-sequence procs env) (cond ((null? (cdr procs)) ((car procs) env)) (else ((car procs) env) (execute-sequence (cdr procs) env)))) (let ((procs (map analyze exps))) (if (null? procs) (error "Empty sequence: ANALYZE")) (lambda (env) (execute-sequence procs env))))Eva Lu Ator explains to Alyssa that the version in the text does more of the work of evaluating a sequence at analysis time. Alyssa’s sequence-execution procedure, rather than having the calls to the individual execution procedures built in, loops through the procedures in order to call them: In effect, although the individual expressions in the sequence have been analyzed, the sequence itself has not been.
Compare the two versions of
. For example, consider the common case (typical of procedure bodies) where the sequence has just one expression. What work will the execution procedure produced by Alyssa’s program do? What about the execution procedure produced by the program in the text above? How do the two versions compare for a sequence with two expressions?
Exercise 4.24: Design and carry out some experiments to compare the speed of the original metacircular evaluator with the version in this section. Use your results to estimate the fraction of time that is spent in analysis versus execution for various procedures.
207 Even so, there will remain important aspects of the evaluation process that are not elucidated by our evaluator. The most important of these are the detailed mechanisms by which procedures call other procedures and return values to their callers. We will address these issues in Chapter 5, where we take a closer look at the evaluation process by implementing the evaluator as a simple register machine.
208 If we grant ourselves the ability to apply primitives, then what remains for us to implement in the evaluator? The job of the evaluator is not to specify the primitives of the language, but rather to provide the connective tissue—the means of combination and the means of abstraction—that binds a collection of primitives to form a language. Specifically:
(+ 1 6)
, it is not adequate for handling (+ 1 (* 2 3))
. As far
as the primitive procedure +
is concerned, its arguments must be
numbers, and it would choke if we passed it the expression (* 2 3)
as an
argument. One important role of the evaluator is to choreograph procedure
composition so that (* 2 3)
is reduced to 6 before being passed as an
argument to +
(+ x 1)
. We
need an evaluator to keep track of variables and obtain their values before
invoking the primitive procedures.
We could have simplified the application?
clause in eval
by using map
(and stipulating that operands
returns a list) rather than writing an explicit list-of-values
procedure. We chose not to use map
here to emphasize the fact that the
evaluator can be implemented without any use of higher-order procedures (and
thus could be written in a language that doesn’t have higher-order procedures),
even though the language that it supports will include higher-order
In this case, the language
being implemented and the implementation language are the same. Contemplation
of the meaning of true?
here yields expansion of consciousness without
the abuse of substance.
implementation of define
ignores a subtle issue in the handling of
internal definitions, although it works correctly in most cases. We will see
what the problem is and how to solve it in 4.1.6.
As we said when we introduced
and set!
, these values are implementation-dependent in
Scheme—that is, the implementor can choose what value to return.
mentioned in 2.3.1, the evaluator sees a quoted expression as a
list beginning with quote
, even if the expression is typed with the
quotation mark. For example, the expression 'a
would be seen by the
evaluator as (quote a)
. See Exercise 2.55.
The value of an if
when the predicate is false and there is no alternative is unspecified in
Scheme; we have chosen here to make it false. We will support the use of the
variables true
and false
in expressions to be evaluated by
binding them in the global environment. See 4.1.4.
215 These selectors for a list of expressions—and the corresponding ones for a list of operands—are not intended as a data abstraction. They are introduced as mnemonic names for the basic list operations in order to make it easier to understand the explicit-control evaluator in 5.4.
value of a cond
expression when all the predicates are false and there
is no else
clause is unspecified in Scheme; we have chosen here to make
it false.
217 Practical Lisp systems provide a mechanism that allows a user to add new derived expressions and specify their implementation as syntactic transformations without modifying the evaluator. Such a user-defined transformation is called a macro. Although it is easy to add an elementary mechanism for defining macros, the resulting language has subtle name-conflict problems. There has been much research on mechanisms for macro definition that do not cause these difficulties. See, for example, Kohlbecker 1986, Clinger and Rees 1991, and Hanson 1991.
Frames are not really a data abstraction in the following
code: Set-variable-value!
and define-variable!
to directly modify the values in a frame. The purpose of the
frame procedures is to make the environment-manipulation procedures easy to
219 The drawback of this representation (as well as the variant in Exercise 4.11) is that the evaluator may have to search through many frames in order to find the binding for a given variable. (Such an approach is referred to as deep binding.) One way to avoid this inefficiency is to make use of a strategy called lexical addressing, which will be discussed in 5.5.6.
Any procedure defined in the underlying Lisp
can be used as a primitive for the metacircular evaluator. The name of a
primitive installed in the evaluator need not be the same as the name of its
implementation in the underlying Lisp; the names are the same here because the
metacircular evaluator implements Scheme itself. Thus, for example, we could
put (list 'first car)
or (list 'square (lambda (x) (* x x)))
the list of primitive-procedures
is the apply
procedure we have used in earlier chapters. The metacircular evaluator’s
procedure (4.1.1) models the working of this
primitive. Having two different things called apply
leads to a
technical problem in running the metacircular evaluator, because defining the
metacircular evaluator’s apply
will mask the definition of the
primitive. One way around this is to rename the metacircular apply
avoid conflict with the name of the primitive procedure. We have assumed
instead that we have saved a reference to the underlying apply
by doing
(define apply-in-underlying-scheme apply)
before defining the metacircular apply
. This allows us to access the
original version of apply
under a different name.
primitive procedure read
waits for input from the user, and returns the
next complete expression that is typed. For example, if the user types
(+ 23 x)
, read
returns a three-element list containing the symbol
, the number 23, and the symbol x
. If the user types 'x
returns a two-element list containing the symbol quote
the symbol x
223 The fact that the machines are described in Lisp is inessential. If we give our evaluator a Lisp program that behaves as an evaluator for some other language, say C, the Lisp evaluator will emulate the C evaluator, which in turn can emulate any machine described as a C program. Similarly, writing a Lisp evaluator in C produces a C program that can execute any Lisp program. The deep idea here is that any evaluator can emulate any other. Thus, the notion of “what can in principle be computed” (ignoring practicalities of time and memory required) is independent of the language or the computer, and instead reflects an underlying notion of computability. This was first demonstrated in a clear way by Alan M. Turing (1912-1954), whose 1936 paper laid the foundations for theoretical computer science. In the paper, Turing presented a simple computational model—now known as a Turing machine—and argued that any “effective process” can be formulated as a program for such a machine. (This argument is known as the Church-Turing thesis.) Turing then implemented a universal machine, i.e., a Turing machine that behaves as an evaluator for Turing-machine programs. He used this framework to demonstrate that there are well-posed problems that cannot be computed by Turing machines (see Exercise 4.15), and so by implication cannot be formulated as “effective processes.” Turing went on to make fundamental contributions to practical computer science as well. For example, he invented the idea of structuring programs using general-purpose subroutines. See Hodges 1983 for a biography of Turing.
224 Some people find it counterintuitive that an evaluator, which is implemented by a relatively simple procedure, can emulate programs that are more complex than the evaluator itself. The existence of a universal evaluator machine is a deep and wonderful property of computation. Recursion theory, a branch of mathematical logic, is concerned with logical limits of computation. Douglas Hofstadter’s beautiful book Gödel, Escher, Bach explores some of these ideas (Hofstadter 1979).
Warning: This eval
primitive is not identical to
the eval
procedure we implemented in 4.1.1, because it
uses actual Scheme environments rather than the sample environment
structures we built in 4.1.3. These actual environments cannot
be manipulated by the user as ordinary lists; they must be accessed via
or other special operations. Similarly, the apply
we saw earlier is not identical to the metacircular apply
, because it
uses actual Scheme procedures rather than the procedure objects we constructed
in 4.1.3 and 4.1.4.
The MIT implementation of Scheme
includes eval
, as well as a symbol user-initial-environment
is bound to the initial environment in which the user’s input expressions are
Although we stipulated that halts?
is given a procedure object, notice that this reasoning still applies even if
can gain access to the procedure’s text and its environment.
This is Turing’s celebrated
Halting Theorem, which gave the first
clear example of a
non-computable problem, i.e., a well-posed task
that cannot be carried out as a computational procedure.
228 Wanting programs to not depend on this evaluation mechanism is the reason for the “management is not responsible” remark in Footnote 28 of Chapter 1. By insisting that internal definitions come first and do not use each other while the definitions are being evaluated, the IEEE standard for Scheme leaves implementors some choice in the mechanism used to evaluate these definitions. The choice of one evaluation rule rather than another here may seem like a small issue, affecting only the interpretation of “badly formed” programs. However, we will see in 5.5.6 that moving to a model of simultaneous scoping for internal definitions avoids some nasty difficulties that would otherwise arise in implementing a compiler.
229 The IEEE standard for Scheme allows for different implementation strategies by specifying that it is up to the programmer to obey this restriction, not up to the implementation to enforce it. Some Scheme implementations, including MIT Scheme, use the transformation shown above. Thus, some programs that don’t obey this restriction will in fact run in such implementations.
230 The MIT implementors of Scheme support Alyssa on the following grounds: Eva is in principle correct—the definitions should be regarded as simultaneous. But it seems difficult to implement a general, efficient mechanism that does what Eva requires. In the absence of such a mechanism, it is better to generate an error in the difficult cases of simultaneous definitions (Alyssa’s notion) than to produce an incorrect answer (as Ben would have it).
This example illustrates a programming trick for
formulating recursive procedures without using define
. The most general
trick of this sort is the
operator, which can be used to give a
“pure λ-calculus” implementation of recursion. (See Stoy 1977 for
details on the λ-calculus, and Gabriel 1988 for an exposition of the
operator in Scheme.)
232 This technique is an integral part of the compilation process, which we shall discuss in Chapter 5. Jonathan Rees wrote a Scheme interpreter like this in about 1982 for the T project (Rees and Adams 1982). Marc Feeley (1986) (see also Feeley and Lapalme 1987) independently invented this technique in his master’s thesis.
233 There is, however, an important part of the variable search that can be done as part of the syntactic analysis. As we will show in 5.5.6, one can determine the position in the environment structure where the value of the variable will be found, thus obviating the need to scan the environment for the entry that matches the variable.
234 See Exercise 4.23 for some insight into the processing of sequences.